I’m Cassandra Koelle, known as @visualskaesi on social platforms, a French-American Photographer and Artistic Director working between France and the United States. Specializing in Music & Rap culture | Clubbing scene.
 I was born in France, and lived there most of my childhood. At 14, I moved to the United States for my studies and after graduation traveled around in Gabon and South Korea. I came back to France to pursue photography seriously and was connected to a couple of artists friends who decided to give me a shot on projects of theirs. After a year or so, I started doing projects on my own like directing a music video with a production company in Paris, and assisted many music videos as both Photographer and Artistic Direction.
Starting photography helped me shape my style of work, it made me want to dig deeper with my skills of graphic design which I think are very important in this field of work if you want to stand out. Now I am living in the United States and crafting my work.

